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Schedule & Fees

All classes are open to 3 and 4 year olds, and children who turn 5 during the year but are not yet eligible for Kindergarten. Children may enroll at any time of year once they turn 3. All children must be toilet trained. 


The Government of Alberta offers two programs to lower the cost of preschool: â€‹

  • A rebate that goes directly to Discovery Time and lowers the fee you pay each month. The prices below reflect the current rebate received by the preschool.

  • A refund of up to $125 is available to families that qualify. You must apply for this program. Details on eligibility and how to apply are available here.​​


Blue Class

Tuesday and Thursday

9 - 11:30 a.m.



Yellow Class

Tuesday and Thursday

12:30 - 3 p.m.



Red Class

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

9 - 11:30 a.m.



Green Class

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

12:30 - 3 p.m.



Please inquiry with our Executive Director if you’re interested in registering for more than one class!​



Other fees: â€‹
  • Registration Fee

    • 2023-2024: $75

    • 2024-2025: $100

  • $100 Fundraising Deposit


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