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October Newsletter

Congratulations to all our students and their families on a great start to

the new school year! Our days have been full and busy. While getting to

know each other, we have also been working together to develop

routines and set up classroom expectations.

This past month of September we sure have noticed the drop in

temperature. The children in our group have noticed as well. We would

like to remind you to bring proper clothing for your child/ren depending

on the weather. We will be spending time outside to see the pretty colours

of fall; everyone needs to be warm!

A glimpse of September - the children were interested in playing

outdoors and indoors they enjoyed going grocery shopping in our

dramatic play set up. With this play they learnt imagination, creativity,

discovery social/language skills, turn taking and sharing. We also have

been working on teamwork with our group. This is a great skill; and the

children have been learning quite well.

We will be starting our alphabets from October. We will teach one

alphabet each week so the children can learn properly. We have

prepared alphabet book for each week and will send it home after

it’s finished.

October planning is full of fall activities. We will also be making fall mobile for our

preschool. That will be exciting for children to decorate the school with their own creations.

Worksheets and Hands on learning - We believe in keeping the

children engaged with hands on learning activities because worksheets

are not the only way to teach writing, reading and math concepts. On the

other hand, some children love to do worksheets. We will be keeping a

balance by using worksheets as well as doing hands on learning


With Thanksgiving on the horizon, we would like to say thank you to all

our families for being part of our preschool community. Here is a song

below to share with your children.

Dates to remember:

October 11 - School Closed (Thanksgiving Day)

Discovery Time Team

Kavita and Bhawani


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